Saturday, September 15, 2012

meet the Coots

There I am, in all my "glory", gazing off into the wilderness.

I'm Mr. Crippled Coot, although you can call me Mike.

My wife, Mrs. Coot, is named Katharina.  She's the hottie next to the beaver sign.
To put it into very simplistic terms, this blog is the story of a more than middle aged couple (she turns 60 and he turns 50 within the next year) who were once told they were both basically crippled and useless.  

Most famously, a doctor once wrote in clinical notes on Katharina - "Patient has no remaining quality of life."  It was once remarked to me: "Well then, there's nothing left for you except to apply for disability."

Obviously, we've overcome those dire pronouncements, and we are living our lives to the fullest.  We are enjoying camping and hiking as we explore the many natural wonders of North America.  This blog is simply our way of sharing our experiences with you.

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